Famous Quotes

Trending Joey Jordison Quotes

The simplest beats, on what rock music or any music has been formed on, can be the toughest beats to execute and perform, because it's really easy to not respect a simple 4/4 beat, because people always want to play fast.

Joey Jordison

The heart bleeds music no matter what, and it bleeds different types of music.

Joey Jordison

The communication within Sinsaenum is really, really cool. As extreme as the music is, you might not realize how much we respect each other and how much we coach each other and how well we communicate.

Joey Jordison

I got 'Reign In Blood' for Easter one year - how ironic is that?

Joey Jordison

I got 'Reign In Blood' for Easter one year - how ironic is that?

Joey Jordison

Every day is a good day above ground, and especially being able to play metal and being able to your craft and everything. You've gotta respect that, because it's something that can be taken away from you really quick.

Joey Jordison

Man, failure was not an option whatsoever, 'cause I'm here to play music - that's what I've been put on earth for.

Joey Jordison