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Trending Joey Chestnut Quotes

Maybe in America there's more of an emphasis on food than there should be. But when I look out at the audience during a competition, some people are shocked, but most people are smiling.

Joey Chestnut

I've learned how to gnarl the food down. It's not pretty.

Joey Chestnut

My birthday is always around Thanksgiving, and I always had to have turkey on my birthday. My mom was always, 'Let's celebrate your birthday on Thanksgiving.' My other siblings got to have special dinners they liked. I resented turkey. For a long time, I hated turkey. I've kind of gotten over it.

Joey Chestnut

Honoring our nation's heroes and their caregivers is a cause very important to me - especially on Independence Day.

Joey Chestnut

I love king crab a lot. I love good Mexican food, good tacos, and chile rellenos.

Joey Chestnut

It wasn't like I grew up wanting to be a competitive eater at all. Not like a lot of people, like football players, famous people - they knew that that's what they wanted to do when they were young.

Joey Chestnut

There are times when I'm not eating buns if I'm on a low carb diet. I'll have hot dogs and romaine lettuce, but if I'm at a baseball game, I'm always eating a hot dog.

Joey Chestnut

I have the craziest dreams when I'm digesting a massive amount. It feels so real, it's psychedelic.

Joey Chestnut

It's addicting, beating the heck out of people and eating hot dogs and making people smile. I do feel like garbage afterwards, but so what? Most people feel like garbage after a long day of work.

Joey Chestnut

My birthday is always around Thanksgiving, and I always had to have turkey on my birthday. My mom was always, 'Let's celebrate your birthday on Thanksgiving.' My other siblings got to have special dinners they liked. I resented turkey. For a long time, I hated turkey. I've kind of gotten over it.

Joey Chestnut