Famous Quotes

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I got a chance to host the 'Late Late Show' for two nights before they hired Craig Ferguson. I enjoyed it, but nothing can replace the thrill of calling an NFC championship game or a Super Bowl or a World Series.

Joe Buck

Jack Buck fought through Europe during World War II.

Joe Buck

My dad was not good at saying no. I'm trying to be better at saying no.

Joe Buck

If that had been my only purpose in life - to call home runs and touchdowns - I'd lead a pretty shallow life.

Joe Buck

You can't let criticism stop you from learning new things.

Joe Buck

Great as my dad was - I would never have gotten my first job announcing if I didn't have the last name Buck - it's my mom, Carole, who has made the biggest difference. She was on Broadway back in the 1960s. She understands entertainment, has incredible instincts.

Joe Buck

I'm my dad's kid, and I'm still, right or wrong, fighting that uphill battle, and I'm not saying that makes sense. I mean my dad didn't hire me at Fox... but it certainly gave me my start, and I think I'm always kind of fighting that.

Joe Buck

My dad worked so hard. He slept in his own bed maybe half the nights of the year because of road assignments, but even when he was home, he was covering games. It put a lot of pressure on my mom. She brought in her parents to help out, and it took a village to raise us. I was lucky.

Joe Buck

I do watch sports. How could I not? Just for self-preservation.

Joe Buck

I learned as my dad's kid that unless you physically can't get there, unless you physically can't do it, you need to show up for work.

Joe Buck

As far as sitting down and watching a sports event, that's just not part of my day or part of my night.

Joe Buck

Broadcasting is a brutal, often unfair business, where looks are valued more than skill.

Joe Buck

I love sharing my experience with others, especially students who are eager to learn the business.

Joe Buck

I mean the home run king, to me, is Hank Aaron, but statistically, it's Barry Bonds.

Joe Buck

I just consider Boston and New England incredible sports fans. If they give me trouble, think I'm rooting for other side, it's mainly because they're living and dying with every pitch and every play and think I'm rooting for the other side. I'd much rather that than apathy.

Joe Buck

My dad did call a lot of football, and in my opinion, he was the best football announcer on radio ever.

Joe Buck

I love sharing my experience with others, especially students who are eager to learn the business.

Joe Buck

Never bite off so much in your job that you can't spend a lot of time with your family.

Joe Buck