Famous Quotes

Trending Jochen Zeitz Quotes

Let's recreate the equivalent of the Met Ball in Europe and, rather than for the museum, give the money to environmental causes.

Jochen Zeitz

The puma... the cat... is not just about power and speed and strength... but it is also a very elegant animal. That's what we've tried to reflect in our products.

Jochen Zeitz

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good.

Jochen Zeitz

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good.

Jochen Zeitz

I call upon governments to start supporting companies to use more sustainable materials in their products instead of continuing with antiquated incentives, such as import duties on synthetic materials that are in principle much higher compared with those placed on leather goods regardless of the environmental footprint.

Jochen Zeitz