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Trending Jo Swinson Quotes

We champion freedom - but Brexit will mean the next generation is less free to live, work and love across Europe.

Jo Swinson

Since signing up to Think Act Report, the majority of members are taking more action and publishing more information on gender equality.

Jo Swinson

Since signing up to Think Act Report, the majority of members are taking more action and publishing more information on gender equality.

Jo Swinson

As minister for business and minister for women and equalities, it is clear to me that promoting equality of opportunity simply makes good business sense.

Jo Swinson

I think it's important that we challenge the idea that women who have babies are not fit for work and don't have value. There is massive pregnancy discrimination, in parliament and right across society.

Jo Swinson

We will never achieve equality in the workplace until we have more equality in the home. Our plans for an extra four weeks of parental leave specifically for fathers will help tackle the assumption that parenting is one of the 'girl jobs'.

Jo Swinson

I rage when Boris Johnson is more interested in sucking up to Donald Trump than standing up for British values of decency, equality and respect.

Jo Swinson

In Westminster, I make sure I maximise my ability to represent my constituents. I can do that in a variety of ways: by asking written questions or questions in the House of Commons, through the scrutiny of bills and by sitting on the environmental audit select committee every week, as well as other committees.

Jo Swinson