Famous Quotes

Trending Jeff Bridges Quotes

Movies are like magic tricks.

Jeff Bridges

Movies are like magic tricks.

Jeff Bridges

Whenever you're the child of a famous person, you get judged in odd ways because of that.

Jeff Bridges

I love John Irving's stuff. It's that marriage of comedy and tragedy. It's really terrific.

Jeff Bridges

Eating ice cream and not exercising is great. The downside is your health isn't so good.

Jeff Bridges

The way to change the world is through individual responsibility and taking local action in your own community.

Jeff Bridges

Technology is such a broad kind of term, it really applies to so many things, from the electric light to running cars on oil. All of these different things can be called technology. I have kind of a love-hate relationship with it, as I expect most people do. With the computer, I spend so many hours sitting in front of a computer.

Jeff Bridges

I come from a family of teasers myself. My grandfather was from Liverpool, and he had a dry sense of humor, and he would tease us terribly. My brother Beau was so skilled in his teasing that he could get a rise out of me by simply pointing at me.

Jeff Bridges

Sticking with a marriage. That's true grit, man.

Jeff Bridges

For me, growing up, the downside of it was that as a kid you don't want to stand out. You don't want to have a famous father let alone get a job because of your famous father, you know? But I'm a product of nepotism. That's how I got my foot in the door, through my dad.

Jeff Bridges

We're here for such a short period of time. Live like you're already dead, man. Have a good time. Do your best. Let it all come ripping right through you.

Jeff Bridges

The more space and emptiness you can create in yourself, then you can let the rest of the world come in and fill you up.

Jeff Bridges

Well, I'm not a big sports fan.

Jeff Bridges

Sobriety and health is the greatest thing.

Jeff Bridges