Famous Quotes

Trending Hugh Grant Quotes

The only reason my work seems to be eclectic up to a certain period is because I was a failure as an actor.

Hugh Grant

And film acting is incredibly tedious, just by its nature. It's incredibly, mind numbingly slow.

Hugh Grant

In 'The Sound of Music,' I was a von Trapp daughter in a white dress with a blue satin sash, and my line was, 'I'm Brigitta. I'm 12, and all I want is a good time.' I got a laugh. And I was so delighted, I laughed, too. Sadly, that's a problem I still have - onstage, I laugh hysterically at how funny I am.

Hugh Grant

For any new technology there is always controversy and there always some fear associated with it. I think that's just the price of being first sometimes.

Hugh Grant

I couldn't put my hand on my heart and say I think that being in a relationship is a natural state for a human being.

Hugh Grant

Courage is soldiers fighting on the front line, or people living on the bread line.

Hugh Grant

The reason I turn down 99% of a hundred, I mean a thousand, scripts is because romantic comedies are often very romantic but seldom very funny.

Hugh Grant

Courage is soldiers fighting on the front line, or people living on the bread line.

Hugh Grant

I've certainly had a bad attitude to my job on many occasions. Not since 'Four Weddings and a Funeral'. I've been rather a good boy and really given it everything when I've accepted a part since then, because I've been given much better parts in films.

Hugh Grant