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Jon Stewart, Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert. Those are the guys I look at who are telling me pretty much the truth. And they throw humor into it which makes it much more interesting to listen to.

Grace Slick

People say Altamont was the 'end of the '60s.' It was unfortunate, but at the time we didn't think of it as signaling anything. The fact that nobody got killed at Woodstock is amazing because that was half a million people. We only had 300,000 at Altamont.

Grace Slick

There is an attitude that we should be able to have everything. No, you shouldn't be able to have anything. I'd like a helicopter, but I can't afford a helicopter, so I don't buy one. People are buying stuff they can't afford on credit. I bought my Ford hybrid with cash.

Grace Slick

Some of us don't want to be a housewife. When you live alone, you can do anything you want to do anytime you want. I really like it.

Grace Slick

I like being in a recording studio. I like watching a song go from the simplicity of the original music.

Grace Slick

Through literacy you can begin to see the universe. Through music you can reach anybody. Between the two there is you, unstoppable.

Grace Slick

Things change so fast, you can't use 1971 ethics on someone born in 1971.

Grace Slick

I find it amusing on one level, poignant on another, when people try to get recognition from an outside source. It's sad.

Grace Slick

When you learn that a truth is a lie, anger follows.

Grace Slick

When you learn that a truth is a lie, anger follows.

Grace Slick

Death is like taking an intermission when you can't come back. I like living and being around.

Grace Slick