Famous Quotes

Trending George Michael Quotes

I had very little fear about it, but basically, my straight friends talked me out of it. I think they thought as I was bisexual, there was no need to. But it's amazing how much more complicated it became because I didn't come out in the early days. I often wonder if my career would have taken a different path if I had.

George Michael

Not many people are really that meticulous with what they do, I suppose, but I'm just a control freak and terribly afraid of failure or regret. I work very hard on these things.

George Michael

I went through a long period where I was afraid of doing things I wanted to do, and you get your courage back, which is what's important.

George Michael

The whole business is built on ego, vanity, self-satisfaction, and it's total crap to pretend it's not.

George Michael

In the very early days of Wham! the attention felt great, but I do wonder how much freedom I gave away by trying to become something I wasn't.

George Michael

I still believe that music is one of the greatest gifts that God gave to man.

George Michael

I knew, regardless of anything else, singing in front of an orchestra was going to be inspirational. It would feed me.

George Michael

I knew, regardless of anything else, singing in front of an orchestra was going to be inspirational. It would feed me.

George Michael