Famous Quotes

Trending Erik Spoelstra Quotes

My wife has now made a point of, after losses, to bring our son into the bed when he wakes up in the morning. So when I'm waking up and I'm still obsessing over whatever happened the night before, I see this little guy right in front of me smiling and wanting to connect with me. It's totally changed how I compartmentalize.

Erik Spoelstra

Everybody overestimates what you can do in a day and underestimates what you can do in months of work.

Erik Spoelstra

I only knew that I didn't like the AAU culture. I knew that if I had a chance someday, that I would love to be able to, even if it was a small drop in a bucket, to be able to change the culture and be a part of a positive change.

Erik Spoelstra

I only knew that I didn't like the AAU culture. I knew that if I had a chance someday, that I would love to be able to, even if it was a small drop in a bucket, to be able to change the culture and be a part of a positive change.

Erik Spoelstra

We've watched 'Beauty and the Beast' at least 30 to 35 times, 'Moana,' 'Despicable Me' - '1,' '2' and '3' - all of these multiple times.

Erik Spoelstra

I think it's gonna take a sincere empathy and compassion for people of all races, to really reflect and process on the true history of the black community in this country. The history has been filled with incredible oppression and we really have to acknowledge that, to start to change the lens of how we see true equality.

Erik Spoelstra

Success can be a horrible teacher.

Erik Spoelstra