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'Independence Day,' ever since we did it, there's been enormous pressure to follow it up.

Dean Devlin

I love what they do with 'Doctor Who,' where they have the series, and then they do a big Christmas movie special.

Dean Devlin

In tough times, we all hope for knights in shining armor, or the cavalry, to show up and effect change.

Dean Devlin

The Titanic hit the iceberg not because they could not see it coming but because they could not change direction.

Dean Devlin

Many years ago, I was actually hired to write the sequel to 'Independence Day.' And I wrote a sequel. And they paid me a boatload of money to go write this thing. And after I wrote it, I read it and I gave them back the money and I said, 'Look, this is an okay movie I just wrote. But it's not worthy of the sequel to 'Independence Day.'

Dean Devlin

As for 'Independence Day,' we never intended to do any films in that series beyond the first one.

Dean Devlin

The scale of 'Independence Day' is much more than 'Stargate.'

Dean Devlin

There are three things that I'm addicted to when it comes to entertainment. In no particular order, One, I'm addicted to the cheer moment. 'Librarians' has plenty of them. Next, I feel that life is hard, and I want my entertainment fun, and 'Librarians' is fun as a Christmas party. And third, I like to be moved.

Dean Devlin

There are three things that I'm addicted to when it comes to entertainment. In no particular order, One, I'm addicted to the cheer moment. 'Librarians' has plenty of them. Next, I feel that life is hard, and I want my entertainment fun, and 'Librarians' is fun as a Christmas party. And third, I like to be moved.

Dean Devlin