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Trending Daryl Davis Quotes

The most important thing I learned is that when you are actively learning about someone else you are passively teaching them about yourself.

Daryl Davis

The most important thing I learned is that when you are actively learning about someone else you are passively teaching them about yourself.

Daryl Davis

If you spend five minutes with your worst enemy - it doesn't have to be about race, it could be about anything... you will find that you both have something in common. As you build upon those commonalities, you're forming a relationship and as you build about that relationship, you're forming a friendship.

Daryl Davis

Always keep the lines of communication open with your adversaries.

Daryl Davis

Invite your enemies to sit down and join you. One small thing you say might give them food for though, and you will learn.

Daryl Davis

You can legislate behavior but you cannot legislate belief. Patience is what it takes. But patience doesn't mean sitting around on your butt waiting for something to happen.

Daryl Davis

When was 'again?' Was it back when I was drinking from a separate water fountain? Was it when I couldn't eat in that restaurant over there?... 'Make America Great Again' - before I had equality?

Daryl Davis

At the end, ignorance is the source of biases. If we cure that, there's nothing to fear and hate.

Daryl Davis

A Klan member is not stamped from a standard cookie cutter. They come from all walks of life and various education levels and environmental situations which have led to their decision to join the Klan. The one common denominator that all share is lack of exposure to others who may not look like them or believe as they do.

Daryl Davis