Famous Quotes

Trending Courtney Act Quotes

It's detrimental not to support marriage equality, even just on a financial level.

Courtney Act

It's a common misunderstanding, that when a bisexual person is dating someone of the opposite sex that they are now straight, or if they are dating someone of the same sex they are now gay.

Courtney Act

For my teen years and all of my twenties it felt like I was trying to live up to this expectation of being a man and what that meant - not just what clothes I wore, but how I acted.

Courtney Act

It's detrimental not to support marriage equality, even just on a financial level.

Courtney Act

For people living with HIV, the knowledge that undetectable equals untransmittable is huge news, not only as a means of preventing transmission, but in breaking down the stigma that many people still experience.

Courtney Act

The gay community has had a sometimes tumultuous relationship with non-queer people coming to their shows because it was tourism, like using the queer spaces as a form of comic relief or entertainment.

Courtney Act