Famous Quotes

Trending Cillian Murphy Quotes

A director, I forget who, told me that it takes 30 years to make an actor. And I believe that. You have to learn your craft, learn your trade - and also you have to live a life and experience things.

Cillian Murphy

I enjoy any chance to get in front of a microphone in a role. I'll do it.

Cillian Murphy

After kids, the desire to improve as an actor remains, but time becomes hugely important. I want to do good work and do it well but then be at home. I love hanging out with my children, seeing how they behave, and stealing ideas off them. You can't do that if you're in a hotel, on a plane, or a film set. It's not real life.

Cillian Murphy

At the moment I'm doing this space movie, so I'm obsessed with physics and space travel. I know three months down the line it's gone. Then I'll be able to superficially say stuff about space.

Cillian Murphy

A director, I forget who, told me that it takes 30 years to make an actor. And I believe that. You have to learn your craft, learn your trade - and also you have to live a life and experience things.

Cillian Murphy

Men and women are custodians of this society, and we both decide what's going to happen for our future. I feel that very, very strongly.

Cillian Murphy