Famous Quotes

Trending Bud Grant Quotes

I happened to be in a position in Superior where I could play three sports, and when I came to Minnesota, I had the understanding they would allow me to play three sports. Kids now don't have the same amount of time. You have coaches that think baseball is 10 months a year. Hockey is 11 or 12 months a year.

Bud Grant

We never had anybody who froze to death playing football. You probably had somebody who died from heat stroke playing football.

Bud Grant

I never use the word 'hero' in sports. Hero is way above 'star.' I save 'star' for sports. Sports is entertainment; that's all it is.

Bud Grant

You have to remember one thing: Football is entertainment; it's not life or death. Once the game is over, you're already talking about next year and the draft. It's just entertainment.

Bud Grant

We never had anybody who froze to death playing football. You probably had somebody who died from heat stroke playing football.

Bud Grant

The quarterback is the most vulnerable one on the field. He's in an awkward position a lot of times when he throws the ball. So he does have to be protected. You lose a quarterback, you're in trouble. I don't know if they can make it too safe. I think health becomes an issue.

Bud Grant