Famous Quotes

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Anger, and the self-righteousness that is both the cause and consequence of anger, tends to be easier on the psyche than personal responsibility.

Barry Eisler

The National Surveillance State doesn't want anyone to be able to communicate without the authorities being able to monitor that communication.

Barry Eisler

The Internet is a limitless library at your fingertips. It's a great place to start with the acquisition of knowledge. My process is to go to a place when I'm writing about it. Nothing captures the essence, feeling and flavor of a place better than when I'm actually there and doing the writing.

Barry Eisler

Stephen King has inspired me with his humor and honesty, and his admonition that the author's job is to tell the truth.

Barry Eisler

Stephen King has inspired me with his humor and honesty, and his admonition that the author's job is to tell the truth.

Barry Eisler