Famous Quotes

Trending Asma Jahangir Quotes

I had been very impressed with the courts we visited to see my father. The judges wearing wigs, the lawyers, the legal arguments - it was all exciting stuff for a kid.

Asma Jahangir

Duplicity in matters of religion is not confined to Pakistan, but it hurts the most in societies where debate on religion is asphyxiated and preachers of hate have become keepers of faith.

Asma Jahangir

Terrorism does not disappear with revenge tactics but through making justice and equality before law a reality.

Asma Jahangir

The way my father worked altruistically and the manner in which he used to go behind bars and come back home smilingly was inspirational.

Asma Jahangir

The way my father worked altruistically and the manner in which he used to go behind bars and come back home smilingly was inspirational.

Asma Jahangir

If your people don't really believe or respect you, if you don't have the moral authority to rule, then your goose is cooked.

Asma Jahangir

The morality of a society is not judged by the behaviour of an oppressed class but by the rules and laws made by the state, which either protect or exploit an already depressed section of society.

Asma Jahangir