Famous Quotes

Trending Anthony Ramos Quotes

You answer anger with love. You answer anger with selflessness. The answer to anger is always the opposite thing of anger.

Anthony Ramos

We were all working for 400 dollars a week at the Public Theater and sharing a space downstairs together, so we grew to love each other. That dynamic for me as an original company member is special to me.

Anthony Ramos

I did an open call for some random show, and afterwards, they said they wanted to meet me for a thing called 'Hamilton's Mixtape.' I was like, 'What? That's not what I auditioned for, but cool, I guess.'

Anthony Ramos

I did an open call for some random show, and afterwards, they said they wanted to meet me for a thing called 'Hamilton's Mixtape.' I was like, 'What? That's not what I auditioned for, but cool, I guess.'

Anthony Ramos

There are sad moments - lonely moments - when you're sitting up in your room all by yourself, shooting on location in Atlanta or Vancouver or L.A., and your family's back home. You can miss home.

Anthony Ramos