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Trending Anita Bryant Quotes

While continuing to speak out and work against those laws that sanction homosexuality, we also shall continue to seek help and change for homosexuals themselves, whose sad and sick values belie the word 'gay' which they pathetically use to cover their unhappy lives.

Anita Bryant

It is sad when a particular group of people, no matter what they are, are able to... thrust their way of life on a society.

Anita Bryant

While continuing to speak out and work against those laws that sanction homosexuality, we also shall continue to seek help and change for homosexuals themselves, whose sad and sick values belie the word 'gay' which they pathetically use to cover their unhappy lives.

Anita Bryant

I don't hate homosexuals. I love them enough to tell them the truth: that God puts them in the category with other sinners.

Anita Bryant